Friday, July 14, 2006

as youmay have noticed, i've finally managed to get a few photos but then the site seemed to stop letting me so there'll be no more until a) the computer lets me and b) i can be bothered
i'm in bathurst at the moment, the other side of the blue mountains from sydney. caughtup with a few incredibly exciting additions to the trip list today, introduced, house sparrow, starling and blackbird, thrilling! also saw somevery dull boring looking birds like cimson rosella, bell miner and grey butcherbird. will be heading back to sydeny thorugh the blue mountians sonn stopping at katoomba to try for rock and piltobird, rare but very shitty looking birds. Then at the end of the moth i've got a pelagic with SOSSA off Wollongong which i'm really looking forward to.

also counted up the trip list today: 215

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested