Saturday, September 14, 2013

Israel: Day 6

Today was my best watch of the count so far, with a stunning 4549 birds over my watchpoint, most of which were concentrated into a few hours. There were constantly birds pouring South overhead, mainly Honey Buzzards (3200), followed by Black Kites (760), Levant Sparrowhawks (450) and a smattering of Lesser Spotted Eagles, Montagu's Harriers, Booted Eagles and 4 Egyptian Vultures. At times it was totally overwhelming, with birds streaming overhead while I struggled to identify, count and record them (and take a few cheeky photos) at one time. At one point a well-meaning farmer dropped in for a chat and to give me some grapefruits, right while a huge wave was passing over, my conversation/observation balance was tested to the limit!

Apparently this is still just the beginning, I can't quite imagine what 10X this number will look like, expect superlatives galore and possible profanity when the real big numbers start.

Egyptian Vulture

Honey Buzzard swarm

Lesser Spotted Eagle

Lesser Spotted Eagle

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