Thursday, April 03, 2008

Isn't Portland Great

Today, I was accused by a reader of this blog of constantly whingeing about how shit Portland is, so in an effort to reverse such negativity, heres a load of fantastic photographs of some crippling rarities on the Island today

Marsh Harrier

Meadow Pipit: Anyone who refers to a bird like this as a 'Little Brown Job' seriously needs to open their minds

One of the many local Peregrines

Skylark: such beautiful songsters aren't they. And doing rather well on Portland thanks to the derelict state of the farmland

There, can't you just feel the happiness oozing out of every pixel, I love this place.

But a few rares wouldn't go amiss


Amila Salgado said...

Joe, What is the camera you use ? And what lens ? Your photo quality is excellent!

Joe Cockram said...

Thanks Amila, I use a Canon 30D and 400mm f5.6 lens

Anonymous said...

The Meadow Pipit is quite beautiful!