Wednesday, February 25, 2009


One of the highlights of our trip was a 5 day stay with our good friend and expert local birder, Eric Martinez, in Teotitlan Del Valle, in Oaxaca State. The birding was truly excellent in this area, and with Eric's knowledge of the local sites, we were able to pick up a decent number of regional endemics and specialties, along with plenty of other great birds.

Oaxaca Sparrow

Lesser Nighthawk, Usual Excuses for poor quality(near darkness, manual focus, Max ISO ,blah blah blah)

Bridled Sparrow

Black-throated Grey Warbler

Rock Wren

Bullocks Oriole

Vermillion Flycatcher

Boucard's Wren

Red Warbler

Chestnut-sided Shrike Vireo

Red-faced Warbler

Violet-green Swallow

Lark Sparrow

White-throated Towhee (looks like a heap of shit, but a very range restricted endemic and my 1000th bird of the year)

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Curve-billed Thrasher

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Western Mexico

After Baja, we crossed the Sea of Cortez to Western mainland Mexico, where we spent a few days each birding around San Blas and Uruapan:

Russet Crowned Motmot

Slate-throated Redstart

Russet Nightingale-thrush

3 appaling record shots of 3 cracking warblers, all in the same tree;

Graces's Warbler

Olive Warbler

Hermit Warbler

Elegant Quail, a tricky North-west Mexican endemic

Masked Tityra

Citreoline Trogon

Bell's Vireo

Tropical Parula

Cinammon Hummingbird

Rufous-backed Thrush

Monday, February 23, 2009

The end, and the beginning

For anyone reading this who wasn't already aware, the trip is over, we're safely back in England.

It was an epic journey and we had a fantastic time, seeing incredible places, meeting some truly excellent people and of course, some mind-boggling birding. The final trip list was a monster 873!!! of which about 850 were recorded in the 3 months from leaving the Tip of Long Point, Canada to departing Panama City.
Of course, now i'm back I have the monumental task of sorting through stacks of photographs, here's the first installment, all from the peninsula of Baja California, in North-western Mexico.

Spotted Sandpiper

Blue-footed Booby

Yellow-footed Gull

Double-crested Cormorant

Clark's Grebe

Savannah Sparrow

Sage Sparrow

Western Sandpiper

American Avocet
To be honest (and it may well become painfully obvious as I continue to upload photos) I took relatively few shots on this trip. I simply found that it was challenging enough getting good looks at birds, particulalry in rainforest/jungle (which most of our birding was in).
Still, I managed to take a fair few shots, and i'll be slowly sorting through them over the coming weeks/months/years, so be sure to check back frequently.