Saturday, April 26, 2008

Poms are coming

There can be few sights as specatacular as a flock of fully spooned Pomarine Skuas thundering past a South coast headland in spring. We're just starting to get the vanguard through now, with several seen each day. They've all been a bit far off for photgraphs, with this bird this morning coming the closest.

Note the heavy chest, long spoon shaped tail and big white flashes on the wings. Photos like this just can't do the birds justice, you really need to see them powering along to fully aprecciate them.

This Great-northen Diver flew close past the bill this morning

Several hundred Manx Shearwaters were feeding off the Pulpit Rock, but never came in too close to shore

The usual residents are always flying by, including this Shag

And this cock Pheasant was skulking around Culverwell this morning.

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