Friday, May 11, 2007

Woodcock Orchids

There´s currently a superb disply of Woodcock Orchids (or Ophrys) out on the hotel farm, heres a tiny selection:

As close as its possible to get to a "typical" specimen

A rather dull one

This monster was the size of my thumbnail

And then this stunning pale phase individual

Other interesting stuff of late has been a Golden Oriole singing in the valley in the early mornings and a Short-toed Eagle that flew over yesterday afternoon.

This weekend the road below the hotel hosts some international "Hill Climb" rallying event so the place is going to descend into utter chaos, still the music blaring out from the loudspeakers has been interesting, the odd burst of Ecuador by Sash taking me back to school disco days!

I´l probably be posting loads of car pics over the next few days and what with this "orchidwash" of the pages i´m thinking of changing the blog title from Joes Birding Blog to "Joe´s whatever the hell he can get blog"

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