Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rock Thrush

A fantastic afternoons birding after work today. On a bit of a whim i decided to trek up onto the big ridge behind the hotel to see what was about. At first there was very few birds but my first grass snake of the year, along with a few good butterflies (green hairstreak, dappled white and europeans and scarce swallowtails) were all interesting enough to spur me further on up a very steep and awkward goat track. I was soon rewarded by a fine pair of Rock Thrush, most unexpected given the relatively low altitude of the ridge, and a most welcome lifer for me. Unfortunately they kept fairly distant, as did another pair found about 1km further along afterwards.

From the top of the ridge there were a couple of Crag Martins swooping around far below, unconcerned by the presence of the local Peregrine.

Green Hairstreak


Walking back along the ridge ths Honey Buzzard flew in high from the North and proceeded to flap around in display flight for a while

A pair of Alpine Chough were well below their usual altitudinal levels prospecting a nest hole

and then a pair of Red-billed Choughs decided to take it over for themselves!!

Also seen were the resident pair of Egyptian Vultures, Griffon Vultures, Dartford Warblers, Rock Bunting and a pair of Black Redstarts, overall a very productive little session!

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