Friday, August 04, 2017

Peru part 3

We took a bus from Moyobamba up into the Andes to the tidy cloud forest reserve of Fundo Alto Nieva. Staying in one of the two basic cabins, we birded the trails and sat by the two hummingbird feeding stations for a couple of days, seeing a decent range of the local specialties including plenty of hummingbirds. It rained almost constantly (making photography rather tricky, as can be seen from my efforts below!) but a 2 hour window on the first night allowed us to get into the forest with the rangers and tape-lure in a Long-whiskered Owlet, a real star bird and the main reason to come up here. The next day we were taken to a spot where a pair of Rusty-tinged Antpitta, a very range-restricted specialty have been habituated to come in to worms. Walking back from the Antpittas we managed to pick up some other goodies including Jet Manakin, Mountain Wren, Andean Solitaire and Spotted Barbtail. After standing in the rain by the side of the road for an hour we were quite relieved to flag down a bus to take us back to the heat of Tarapoto and a flight back to Lima.

Bronzy Inca 
Booted Racket-tail

Collared Inca

Collared Inca

Chestnut-breasted Comet

Greenish Puffleg

Long-tailed Sylph 
Long-tailed Sylph

Long-tailed Sylph

Long-Whiskered Owlet

Long-whiskered Owlet

Black-faced Tanager

Pale-edged Flycatcher

Rusty-tinged Antpitta

Rusty-tinged Antpitta
Rusty-tinged Antpitta

Green Jay

Rufous-vented Whitetip

Speckled Hummingbird

White-bellied Woorstar

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