We made it, we´re in Panama, phew, woop woop, hurrah etc.
From San Jose we stopped at the highest point on the PanAmerican Highway at the lovely little cabins at La Georgina, just below the Cerro de la Muerte. It rained for the entire time we were there but we still picked up most of cool stuff around; Fiery-throated and Volcano Hummers, Sooty Thrush, Large-footed Finch, Flame-throated Warbler to name but a few, oh yeh ,and ZELEDONIA, and great views of this little skulker too, bouncing around in the bamboo just feet away from us.
Next stop was golfito, down on the pacific coast, a quick look around in the evening gave us a stunning male Prothonotary warbler in the mangroves, along with Panama Flycatcher. 5am the next morning we took a launch across the gulf to Puerto Jiminez on the peninsula de Osa, from where we took a collectivo taxi up to Dos Brazos, and then hiked up into the junlge to stay at La Bolita Hostel on the edge of Corcovado NP. This place is truly excellent, its very rustic (and very ´eco´) but comfortable and set right in the woods, i dont have time to list everything we saw but this list should give you an idea of how bloody good it is: Black-cheeked Ant Tanager, Great Currassow, Barred Forest Falcon, Bicoloured and Chestnut-backed Antbird, Little Tinamaou, Blue Ground Dove, Turquoise Cotinga, Fiery-billed Aracari............
Get the idea, i´ll be writign more about this place for sure when I have the time, as its a mut do for any Costa Rica itenary and currently seems to be a bit underwatched.
ANyway, we´re in David in Panama now, having crossed the border a few hours ago. Only 11 days of the trip left until we fly out of Panama City. We plan on spending it around Boquete, Santa Fe and finally Panama City and the legendary Pipeline road.
Shoule be good.
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